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The “Auto-Hedger” job is a delta-sensitive automated hedging tool that supports real-time, dual-decision passive (ie, “work 1 tick better”) and aggressive (ie, “lift”) modes of execution across a wide variety of configurations. 

App Type: Hedging
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BBO Trading App

With the introduction of the NASDAQ Futures exchange, there are now 3 different commodity exchanges that list energy products. These are CME, ICE and now Nasdaq Futures (NFX). The BBO Order Router facilitates trading between these 3 commodity exchanges by allowing the trader to trade, with 1 order, across all 3 different exchanges (or 2 if that’s what they’ve configured). 

App Type: Execution
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Auto RFQ

The “Auto-RFQ” job allows the user to configure rules to automatically respond to strategy RFQs in precise, predetermined ways. 

App Type: Options
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Depth Finder

Using market data and order info the widget can provide a real-time estimate of the queue position of one’s orders and can help anyone manually working orders in a FIFO market. 

App Type: Analytics
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Dynamic Skew App

Robust market data handling and modeling logic allow the algo to perform well during all market conditions, and with much less latency risk than in a manual curve update process. The DSA exposes fleeting vol trading opportunities that previously could not be realized.

App Type: Options
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Eurex SRQS Responder

The Eurex SRQS Responder helps users of Metro who are market makers to respond to selective RFQs and confirm deals from within Metro without having to use Eurex Trader.

App Type: Execution
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Profiteer Engine

The “Axonetric LLC: Profiteer Engine” is a sophisticated and feature-rich job that allows users to automatically seek out and execute on edge-based opportunities, based upon different configurable strategies.

App Type: Execution
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Realized Futures Volatility Calculator

Users can use this app to see a calculation of Realized Volatility for any configured future. This app was built based on an increasing demand by traders to use realized volatility information as a component of their decision-making process while trading. 

App Type: Analytics
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Spread Matrix

Exegy’s Spread Matrix provides the user with a single window view of futures spread market data as well as execution capabilities. The widget will display any number of futures months and the corresponding spread values between each in a single screen.

App Type: Execution
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Underlying Offset Controller 2

Like the Initial Underlying Offset Controller, the Underlying Offset Controller 2 allows the user to increase Metro’s functionality with regard to offsets. 

App Type: Options
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Volatility Fitting App

The Volatility Fitting App allows for automated management of volatility curves across various products and instrument months. 

App Type: Options
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Volatility Levels

(With New Optional Market Data Recording)

The VolLevels algo is a critical analysis tool for options traders using Exegy’s Metro trading platform.  The algo condenses important volatility trading information in various grids: “Changes By Delta,” “Changes By Strike,” “Changes By Sigma,” “Current Vols,” “Relative Value By Delta,” “Relative Value By Sigma,” “Skew & Kurtosis,” “Butterflies,” and “Trade Performance.” The reported information is critical to avoiding poor trades that might otherwise appear superficially attractive, and consistently identifying profitable trades with quantitative confirmation from multiple perspectives.

App Type: Analytics
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Dynamic Order Hub

FREE and only available to Metro Pro users, the Dynamic Order Hub (DOH) allows users to submit non-static and conditional orders. The DOH widget seamlessly integrates with Metro’s GUI to extend trading functionality. Dynamic order types include: Constant Edge, Volatility Order, Diming Order, and Reverse Hedger.

App Type: Options
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